Thursday, April 03, 2008

An email from a friend

I hope you are well. I'm writing and sending this email to probably everyone I know, but I'll spare you the details and bcc everyone. This is specifically aimed at South Africans but if you're not a Saffa chances are you know a few, so if nothing else this will be a good read :-)

Today I have a challenge for you….

Please bear with me this might take a while but I really want to ask you is to stick it out and read the rest!

So a few nights ago I took a friend to the airport. She's now living in the UK and she and her husband have decided to stay there permanently, why, because everything in South Africa has gone to pot, everyone is negative about the country, crime's getting worse, the rand is falling etc etc etc, we all know how the story goes, we hear it everyday.

Driving back from the airport I just wanted to cry as people seem to feel so hopeless and negative!!! Then I got stuck in a horrific traffic jam as the traffic lights where out and no one seemed to give anyone a gap. I just realised again how selfish people are and how very few people are even willing to compromise even in something as insignificant as a traffic jam.

So there I was stuck in awful traffic, in the dark, in a really dodgy part of town, moaning in God's ear, and about to give into despair. So I asked God whether or not I'm crazing trying to be positive when everything around me seems to scream the opposite, and all God seem to give me was a scripture: "be still and know that I am God".

So first thing I had to do was to shut up, be still, and just believe!! I decided there and then that I will not allow the negativism that seems to be all around get me down!!!! We live in one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and then get to live in the best city ever, and I know what I'm talking about I've been to quite a few others.

I know everything's not perfect in our country!! I know most of us know someone that has been affected by crime, directly or indirectly. I have two family members that have been shot in separate incidents and one of them died; I have friends that have been hijacked or their homes burgled!!! I know the reality of how bad crime is, but I also know the power of forgiveness, and you know what, I REALLY believe our country has a hope and a future. I really believe God wants our country to be a great place, a country where we take care of one another, a country where we all take part in building a nation!!!!

But it will take team work, we need to stop jumping ship when the going gets tough, and stop believing every little bit of doom and gloom we hear!!! How can we build a country when our teachers are leaving, who will educate the next generation, or who will tend to the sick when there's no more doctors left to do so, how will we bring the information age to Africa if there's no IT specialists to implement it!!!!!!

And there's little things like Eskom that's keeping us in the dark, but look at the bright side ;-) we are at least learning how to become more environmentally friendly, I mean if you know anything about solar power this is the time to start your own little business! I can see millions being made by people with the right ideas.

So this is my challenge to you! For every negative thing you hear, think or say about the best country in the world… think of a solution to the problem and stop fussing about the problem. Force yourself to see the beauty, the hope and what this country could be if we just all worked together. Start dreaming about what the future might hold…

Imagine what it would be like if all children had a proper education, where there are enough jobs to go around because of a brilliant economy, and there's no need for some hungry hopeless dude to steel your handbag because he actually doesn't know how to do anything else! Just imagine how it would be living in a country where the colour of your skin really doesn't matter, where it doesn't determine the work you do, the area you live in or the friends you have!!! Imagine living in a country that sets the example to the world of how a democracy really works!!! Just image…… just dream about that for a moment……

You know all of that is possible it really is!!! But we all need to do our bit!! Get involved with something bigger than yourself!!! If you ever wanted to get involved with a charity or financially support an organisation you can trust but don't know how, give me a shout I'll help you find your fit and hook you up with the right people!!!

There's something so fulfilling about being involved with people that have so much less than you have, with children whom the world has forgotten, seeing their smiling faces and them being so thankful for even the smallest thing….. We can all make a difference, even by just helping one other person!!!

We are all called to be God's hands and feet whether you believe it or not, and He wants to give you a life that has real meaning, and personally I find more meaning in being involved with orphans. For someone else it might be getting involved with animals, or children and sport, or the elderly, or the homeless, or whatever you have on your heart. I know that our lives are meant to have more meaning than just working and going home and doing it all over again tomorrow!!!!!

So to repeat my challenge…. How can you be the solution??????????

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