Monday, August 28, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Nah, just kidding they were taken on Saturday at a nature reserve called Rhino and Lion. We went there as part of a surprise for Landis birthday. She loved it! While there, we got the chance to play with two lion cubs called Shakira and Nandi. Yes, that is correct the lion was named after me!!! My soon-to-be-brother-in-law was bitten on the hand and above the knee; guess they didn’t like him that much! But here most of the animals live together in harmony, you could see that when we went to see a snoozing baby rhino cause he had a goat standing on top of him… how funny is that…
It was a great day. We even got to see somebody’s tyre get ripped off because they got to close to the big lions (that’s what happens when you don’t sick to the rules) …
Monday, August 07, 2006
The new season
So, this new season has started and it's gonna be a great one! I haven't got my puppy yet (just incase you were wondering). But I have got my family and three other dogs (not mine) to look after. Plus I have forgotten how good it is to sleep in your own bed, cook in your own kitchen and have your bathroom to yourself!!! It's fantastic!!!
I've only been home for 5 days but there are some places that I miss, like the Dominion Theater, Starbucks on Putney High Street and No. 48 Evenwood Close... not to mention the people!
Life-changing friends

Host team for the 6:45 service
Beautiful Hosts
Puntey Connect Group
Roehampton Connect Group
The group you can't forget!
Kelly-Anne & Violet