I get to pick her up on the 25 Nov, YAY!!!
Before I go I would like to apologize for not blogging as much these days and also ask that the person responsible for the Shakespearian-hate-mail please stop!!!
Matthew 5 You're blessed when you care. At the moment of being 'care-full,' you find yourselves cared for.
I get to pick her up on the 25 Nov, YAY!!!
Before I go I would like to apologize for not blogging as much these days and also ask that the person responsible for the Shakespearian-hate-mail please stop!!!
Nah, just kidding they were taken on Saturday at a nature reserve called Rhino and Lion. We went there as part of a surprise for Landis birthday. She loved it! While there, we got the chance to play with two lion cubs called Shakira and Nandi. Yes, that is correct the lion was named after me!!! My soon-to-be-brother-in-law was bitten on the hand and above the knee; guess they didn’t like him that much! But here most of the animals live together in harmony, you could see that when we went to see a snoozing baby rhino cause he had a goat standing on top of him… how funny is that…
It was a great day. We even got to see somebody’s tyre get ripped off because they got to close to the big lions (that’s what happens when you don’t sick to the rules) …
Host team for the 6:45 service
Beautiful Hosts
Puntey Connect Group
Roehampton Connect Group
The group you can't forget!
Kelly-Anne & Violet
After that shocker, I and Caroline went to see if there were any theatre shows we could go see that hasn’t already started, and the only one we could find was …
It was a bit foul, but funny.
Makes you think bout what this world is coming to...
Moving on up!!!
So it all happened this weekend, “the beginning of the end”! I finally got through all the crap that I have accumulated in the last 21 months, boxed it up for shipping, and then had a very strong Joburg-boy come to pick it up. Only after I rolled it down three flights of stairs (hope it’s all still in one piece).
So, I’ve been up since 7am (waiting for the shipping-guy) trying to get everything ready for the last move I’ll ever make in London.
First the shipping-guy is late, and I am NOT happy, then I phone for a taxi so that I don’t have to drag my half-a-ton luggage all the way to South Ken. So, I get the good news that there will be no taxi’s available till after 5:30pm, because there is some big football match going on… just my day, it’s it?
By 6pm I finally got my taxi, stuffed it full with luggage, and there I was …on my way to zone 1 to spend my last 33 days in South Kensington.
What a day! I just glad it’s over…
Fun in the Sun!!!
I must admit that I'm always first to complain about the short English summers, but so far it's been great. We've actually had more than 5 days of sun and they say we can expect a sunny weekend!!! YIPEEEEEE!!! And we are truly using every single minute of it with long afternoon walks and picnics and even the odd exercise session...
I just hope and pray that it doesn't turn around all of a sudden, because I've just packed-up all my winter clothing and will be sending it off to South Africa on Saturday...
Not my thing...
I never thought of myself as being someone that is good at writing, but I also didn't think I would be this bad at blogging. I mean this is only my third blog in how many weeks? I thought this stuff should be easy, because it could be just like keeping a journal. But I've got a surprise for you, IT'S NOT!!! It doesn't mean just because you have a lot of stories to tell that you have the rare ability to put it down on to paper in the perfect set of words.
Well, maybe I should just put down to the lack of Internet access at my flat, because I have in fact already written 8 blogs, but only published 2... mmm
A colleague recently told me that she loved getting birthday cards more than presents because you can see the amount of time that person took to choose just the right one...
Well, I received a card yesterday from a friend in Oz. It wasn't for anything like a birthday or Christmas or any celebration-type-thing, it was just because she missed me...
...and the card shows it
You’re probably thinking, what does the card say?
On the front it says, "What could be more rewarding than the knowledge that the Carpenter from Nazareth has built mansions for us in heaven!”
...What does it say inside?
Well, that would just have to stay my secret...
As for the friend in Oz...
...Hope mine is next to yours!!!